Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DR 2011 in Pictures

Since I am not very good at this game called blogging I have decided that I am just going to upload some pictures of what I have been doing during these past few months here. Most of the pictures are not pictures of me during class time but are some of the things that I do when I don't teach!! I do have a video of my kids singing the song Might To Save! I taught them this song a while back but thought I would share this with you guys. If you would like to watch it click here.
These pictures are not in order!

My friends Ryan and Caroline welcomed baby James into the world at the end of January! I got to spend valentines with my surpervisor's kids, Anthony (left), Danny (right) and James and babysat with my friend Natalie!

Motocross Competition

Natalie, Me, Lorraine, and Rachel at Motocross

Soaking wet after it rained at the motocross!

Carnaval 2011 (The Dominicans do this every year during the month of Febuary)
It's crazy don't even know how to describe it really.
Hanging out after school with one of my favorite third graders, Randy.

Me, Jessica Stanley, and Jessica Ensing hiking

I made it to the top!

Motorcycle ride with Natalie on a Saturday afternoon!

Samana beach!

Natalie and I on the whale watching boat!

Humpback Whale!! :)
(We got to see a mother and her baby)

Emily and I

Emily came to visit the last week of Febuary! It was the highlight of the month and definitely had a lot of fun having her here!! :) Thanks for the surprise Em!

This is basically what has been happening here in the DR. God is still stretching me and maturing me which has been hard at times but I know will be worth it in the end! Still loving the Dominican culture and for the most part loving my time here. The end of the year is coming up soon which is scary and exciting at the same time. Saying goodbye to teachers that I have gotten close to this year will not be easy for me but trying to trust God with whats to come next year.

Prayer Request:
1. My students
2. Patience for me as a teacher. I seem to get easily frustrated lately and need to learn how to be patient with my kids.
3. Strength to make through the rest of the year!
4. Peace and understanding of why people come in and out of our life! I have struggled with this question a lot so this would be a big one that you can pray for!

Thanks again for all your support, love, and prayers during my time here! I could never do this without you guys!!

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